Bord Bia
Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board) is the Irish government agency charged with the promotion,
trade development, and marketing of the Irish food, drink, and horticulture industry. Bord Bia
works to enhance the reputation of Irish food, drink, and horticulture, to develop markets for
Irish suppliers, and bring the taste of Irish food to more tables worldwide. With its headquarters
in Dublin, Bord Bia has a network of 15 overseas offices, including one in London. This extensive
overseas presence, coupled with authoritative strategic insight, enables Bord Bia to pursue
emerging opportunities and actively respond to significant market issues that affect the
About Origin Green
Origin Green is the worlds’ only national food and drink sustainability programme, enabling the
industry to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets that respect the environment and
serve local communities more effectively. The programme collaborates with over 55,000 farms
and 324 leading Irish food and drink companies to prove and improve the sustainability of the
food they produce to meet the evolving needs of global customers and consumers. Verified
Origin Green members account for 90% of our food and drink exports and over 70% of the retail
market, with 4 of the 5 of the biggest retailers are on board along with 11 leading foodservice